Hybrid integrated high performance electronic stripes​

The HyPerStripes Project – Successful Second Year Evaluation

The HyPerStripes Project – Successful Second Year Evaluation The project with 16 partners from three countries is working on solutions for new assembly and connection technologies for reliable bendable electronics and met for the second project review at IMS CHIPS in Stuttgart from April 23 to 24. Technology advances were summarized in presentations by each partner, and the first generation of the Use case demonstrators were shown live. The European reviewers gave a very positive evaluation of the project after the two-day presentation and emphasized the results as well as the good cooperation within the consortium.  

VMAP User Meeting 2024

VMAP User Meeting 2024 Date: 14-15 February at Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany Our HyPerStripes partner, Nico Arnold from TU Dresden, will give a presentation on „Integrated design process for flexible electronics using VMAP“. https://www.vmap-standard.org/Events/VMAP-User-Meeting-2024/

MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023

MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023 The MikroSystemTechnik Kongress will be held in Dresden from Oktober 23th thru Oktober 25th, 2023. Lecture, Ulrike Paslack (IMS CHIPS)
Wednesday, 25.10.2023
C5 Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik, room 2, 13:40 Innovative Fabrication of Polymer-Based Sensor Systems by Flip-Chip Integration of Ultrathin Chips Using Nanowires 
for Medical ApplicationsUlrike Passlack, Björn Albrecht, Christine Harendt (Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart (IMS CHIPS), Germany); Florian Weißenborn, Olav Birlem, Sebastian Quednau (NanoWired GmbH, Germany); Joachim Burghartz (Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart, Germany) https://www.mikrosystemtechnik-kongress.de/de

Review meeting

Review meeting 16. – 17. of March 2023 in Eindhoven, TNO The 16 HyPerStripes partner met at Holst Center in Einhoven and had a very successful meeting and project review at the end of the first project year. In general, the reviewers, the present national representatives and the representative of AENEAS complimented the good interactions between the partners and the progress in the project. The shown presentations gave a good summary about the state of the project and all required information were shown.

HyPerStripes project launched

Mit dem Kickoff-Treffen im April startet das europäische Verbundprojekt HyPerStripes – „Neue Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik für zuverlässige biegbare Elektronik“ im europäischen Penta-Programm. 18 Partner aus vier europäischen Ländern werden gemeinsam in dem vom IMS initiierten Projekt Lösungen für flexible Verbindungen und flächige hybride Foliensysteme erarbeiten. Unter der Leitung des Herzkatheterspezialisten Osypka aus Rheinfelden erforschen Medizintechnikhersteller wie Philips und der irische Endoskopspezialist Integer sowie der Beleuchtungshersteller Signify gemeinsam mit Technologieanbietern und Forschungseinrichtungen Foliensysteme mit integrierten Siliziumchips. Im deutschen Konsortium des national geförderten Projekts kümmert sich das IMS mit dem Partner NanoWired um die Chipintegration in Folien, Würth Elektronik und das Fraunhofer EMFT entwickeln die Rolle-zu-Rolle-Technologie für die Kabelsysteme, die die Anwender Osypka und Capical in ihren Anwendungsdemonstratoren erproben.